Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Kirchner B&B is open for business!

Our sea shipment arrived yesterday. Hooray for stuff! The guest bedroom has been assembled and is ready for visitors. Whomever is the first one to stay will get a free breakfast in bed, made by Drew and not me, so it will actually taste good. Warning though, we used up a lot of your closet space for linens and our cache of Q-tips. I think we brought 6 boxes of them. That should last two years right?

Trig was very excited by the arrival of his mat. As soon as it was unwrapped, he pounced on it and curled up with a look of pure relief. I think all of this moving around from our CO house, to the hotel, to Leah and Stu's had him feeling nomadic and unsettled. Hopefully now this place will start to feel like home. I guess the same goes for us humans too.

I can't tell you how nice it was to sleeping my own bed. SO much softer than the rental one we've been using. Both of our backs were starting to complain about it. It was quite hysterical when the movers were unloading the box springs and mattresses. Apparently, it is unusual for beds to have a frame. The box spring just goes on the floor and the mattress goes on top of that. I had to explain very carefully what you set up the bed frame first, then put on the box spring, then the mattress. We were also very scared that the king mattress wouldn't fit in the freight elevator, and that someone would have to carry it up 50 flights of steps. Or else there would be a curb side mattress sale, in the rain no less. Luckily it fit, but it must have been a tight squeeze, for the guy riding up with it immediately starting yelling for help when the elevator opened. And I don't speak Cantonese, but they guy sounded pretty panicked to me. Perhaps he didn't understand the phrase, "go to the mattresses." HA!

Almost everything made it in one piece, except for one plastic trash can that got cracked, and a scratch on our Remarkables, NZ canvas picture. Luckily, we still have the digital copy of the pic, the moving company will just have to pay for it to be reprinted. Other than that, no kitchen stuff, no computer stuff yet.... Not too shabby.

During the unpacking process, we realized a few key things we forgot. 1. Measuring cups, for both wet and dry goods. Missed that drawer apparently. 2. Coffee. At coffee you get at a restaurant here stinks, as it is most likely instant coffee. And the stuff at the grocery stores is very expensive and small selection. Looks like we'll have to stockpile that and bring it back with us from our states trip in August. I'm sure we'll find more stuff as we go along.

To celebrate, we had a dinner of salad and macaroni with a sauce of cheese a la Kraft. Something else we stockpiled from the US. That stuff never tasted so good.

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