Monday, April 1, 2013

Lazy Day

Before I continue, I remembered a few things about Easter mass that I wanted to share. In addition to the Asian gospel singing, the congregation does not hold hands during the our father, and they do not shake hands during the peace be with you part. Instead, they turn and face you and slightly bow. They also have kneelers that stay down permanently, and they kneel only when the look up bells are rung. Very short amount of time. Finally, they only had the Eucharist, no wine.

Yesterday, Drew had the day off for "Easter Monday." In the morning we, of course, watched both the U of M game, Final Four!, and the Duke game. We also got in a lot of quality skyping time, all good things. We took a nap on the couch. Then Drew worked for a few hours, while I cleaned up the house a bit. Drew took Trig for a run, and apparently he was dragging tail the whole time. We went and worked out; I swam while Drew lifted. Then out to dinner. We chose something we hadn't tried yet, Korean BBQ. It was actually really good. We ordered the combination beef, pork, chicken, and lamp, as you can see on the menu. They then bring you the plate of uncooked meats, which you grill yourself on a hot plate in the center of the table, followed by probably 8 little side dishes of pickled veggies and such. All topped off by honey dew ice cream. Delicious. The lamp and the ice cream was actually the best part. We then came home and watched the new episode of Game of Thrones, which I have been looking forward to for awhile. I made a discovery. Ceirsi Lannister is played by the same lady who plays the wife to Leonidas in 300. Ha! Quite a discovery I must say.

This morning, Drew went and got his drivers license. All he had to do was show them his US one, and that was enough. We will likely be getting a car through Drew's company in two weeks. I have to say, I will not be driving EVER, but then again, I have a terrible track record as a navigational copilot, so I guess I'll sit in the back with Trig and close my eyes and hope for the best.

I start working today as well. Have to begin sometime, or my company will think I've abandoned them for a beach in Thailand.

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