Monday, April 15, 2013

The Good and the Bad

First, I wanted to say that my thoughts go out to those in Boston. It was weird waking up to that this morning, realizing that to me this was a very big deal, but to others here, they might have no idea where Boston is. It would be like if someone told you "there was a bombing in such and such Chinese city." Other than probably HK, Beijing, and Shanghai, any other city would elicit minimal response. We have no context for it. We know nothing about the people there, what their life is like, etc. We'd probably feel slightly bad for a minute, but we'd soon forget about it. However, if it's a place we know, and people we know are there, it becomes a much bigger deal. For me, I think it's best to remember that it is always a big deal to someone.

Moving on to less intense topics, our couch arrived last night. It looks really nice in the space, and is super comfy. Trig, for now, is not allowed on it, but we'll see how long that lasts. I will post a pic tonight.

I also made another blonde mistake today. The YWCA was putting on a coffee talk, that I thought was this morning. I think you sit around with other expat women and drink coffee, and listen to a speaker that they bring in. Well, like I said, I thought it was this morning, but as it turns out, I read the email wrong, and it's actually tomorrow. So, I commuted 40 min to get here, only to see a bunch of old white guys in the conference room where it was supposed to be. Old white guys was an immediate red flag :) But, on the bright side of things, I met a lovely girl named Olivia at the bus stop on the way there. She lives in my exact building only 8 floors down. She was very easy to talk to, and despite being only out of high school was very mature. And she likes dogs, so perhaps she could help out with Trig sometimes..... So, I'm going to say that God instilled that blonde moment in me so that I would meet her.

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