Saturday, April 27, 2013

Harriett the Spy

At Drew's physical therapy appointment, they confirmed he has sciatica, and they gave him numerous exercises to start working things out. On top of that, I have cold, so Drew and I are a couple of lame ducks over here. Good thing we just bought our own version of the poppy couch.

Spending so much time in our apartment made me remember how much I wanted to be a spy when I was a kid. We are surrounded on every side by other tall high rises, each with dozens of families in them. At night, I can spy on them doing their family things. Eating dinner, watching TV, see the helpers cleaning; then I start to daydream what the families are like, how they get along, what their family issues are ( because every family has issues) etc. Each apartment in a building has the same layout, so I see the same view in every window within a stack, so its cool to compare how each family makes the space different. If anyone wants to encourage this childish and slightly creepy habit of mine, feel free to buy me a nice set of binoculars, so that I can branch out to other buildings. :)

Sincerely, Harriett the Spy

1 comment:

  1. Drew, as Indiana Jones said, "It's not the years, it's the miles". Welcome to the bad back club. Resting it works for me.
