Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dragon Boat Racing and Beertopia

Last Sat., Drew had another dragon boat practice for the big race coming up in the middle of June. The practices are always held at Stanley Beach. This time we took Trig along and actually drove our car down there. I only took us down a wrong turn 3 times, and Drew was marvelously patient, despite the stressful situation. At the beach we saw loads of wind surfers. Some were just learning in the shallows. There is also a pic of an actual drag boat. It's basically a really long metal canoe. While drew was practicing, I took Trig for a nice long walk. During the walk, we went to a point overlooking the bay where he was practicing. We also saw a real cricket match being played by teens. I didn't realize they really do wear all white while playing. I thought it was only a Downton Abbey thing. We also saw a junk boat with the pirate looking red sails; sorry it's pretty small in the pic. Finally, we walked out to another small beach called St. Stephens Beach. It was very pretty with a nice view back to Stanley Market.

After Stanley, Drew and I went with the Chicago couple to a beer festival called Beertopia. Got to try 10 different beers. There were probably 20 different brewers with 5 or 6 beers each, so lots to choose from. New Belgium was not there, surprisingly. But, Rogue Brewery, which is a brewery from Portland, OR which drew and I got to visit last fall, was there! They make my favorite beer, called Hazelnut Brown Nectar. It's wonderful, and I couldn't believe I was having literally my favorite beer on the opposite side of the world. Also found a Honey Lager by Whistler Brewery that's worth another taste. Finally, there was a Singaporean brewery that was out of a Honey Apricot ale I wanted to try. So, hopefully when we go there next weekend, we will find it.

Overall, very great Sat.

1 comment:

  1. Cuzco-topia! It's my birthday present to me! I'm so happy...
