Thursday, April 25, 2013

Burgers! And the Blind

Yesterday for lunch, we went to a burger joint and I had a real Tex-mex burger. It wasn't the best Tem Mex burger I have ever had, but it was a burger, and that's what counts.

Drew is doing marginally better. He is going to a physical therapist today to hopefully get either a second opinion or some useful exercises. He is still walking around like an old man, so needless to say, something needs tweaking. Will let you know how it goes.

We haven't been doing much the last couple of days, obviously, so I will continue with the cultural tidbits.

1. Paths for the blind. On every major side walk here, stairs etc., there are raised bumps to tell the blind where to go. Different patterns mean different things. Straight long bumps mean, you are on a safe sidewalk and you can keep going. A set of short round bumps mean, you have hit an intersection, please wait til it's safe to cross. Then whenever the green walking man is illuminated, there is a binging noise they can hear. On stairs, There are more small bumps meaning stairs are starting, and then more signaling theyre over. Pretty cool huh? I've never seen this developed of a system for blind people in any city, but I have also yet to see any blind people use it. Sometimes I do, just for fun.

2. Use of the close elevator door. Whenever we are in an elevator with anyone, as soon as someone leaves or gets on, another passenger immediately uses the "close elevator door" button. It's like the entire city was trained on how to most efficiently use elevators. For a city where everyone walks so slow, I am surprised this is considered such a necessary time saving technique. But, then again, almost every building in this city is a high rise, so maybe it is.....hmmm....we should have a race. One American who walks fast but doesn't use the close elevator door button versus an Asian who walks slow and does use the button. Starting from four blocks away, with a 50 story building where people enter and exit every floor, who would reach the top floor first? Mathematicians commence your scribbling! Assume zero congestion on the sidewalks ( sounds as silly as assuming no friction huh?) and assume no bellboys are getting on with luggage racks etc.

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