Monday, April 22, 2013

Spaceships and Steel Trees

On our last day in Singapore, Drew and I spent the morning in the Gardens by the Bay, a park filled with these tall steel trees that were covered in moss, vines etc. I think they were supposed to be works of art celebrating nature. Interesting none the less.
Also by this park was a very cool hotel called Marina Sands. It had three towers joined by a large roof top. The end result looks like a space ship.
This is just one example of the amazing architecture we saw in Singapore. Some was old and rustic, like what we saw in Little India, and some was shiny, new, and inventive.

Also, a few more cool tidbits that I couldn't add to yesterday's long post. Our hostel was located right by the Clark Quay, which is a good place for chili crab and going out. We saw a ton of young people hanging out on a foot bridge near this area, drinking away. We thought it was funny that all these kids were drinking on the bridge instead of inside the bars, but a Swiss lady in my Mandarin class explained it to me. Drinking in bars is very expensive (something we have certainly noticed in Hong Kong, and the same is true for Singapore). So, instead of pregaming at a bar before going to a club, the kids just drink their own store bought alcohol in a public place, like the bridge, then go clubbing. Some even hide booze near the club, and sneak out to drink a bit while there. I realized why this doesn't happen openly in America; drinking in public places from open glass containers is normally not allowed. Hence, the invention of the American house party, instead of the Singaporean bridge party. Needless to say, Drew and I must be getting old, because we did not participate.
In Little India near a kid's playground were these outdoor aerobic machines. Bikes, elipticals, and a moon walker! So funny; I'm curious to see if anyone ever uses them! There is no way to increase the difficulty, so I'd imagine it would be pretty boring. 
Last but not least, in the Singaporean airport, Drew and I indulged with a little taste of home. Nothing beats Dunkin Donuts coffee!

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