Saturday, April 6, 2013

Discovery Bay

Apologizes for the delay in blogging. I seem to have way more time to blog during the week that on the weekends.

Friday was the most humid day I have ever experienced. It felt like it would rain at any second, but never did. All of the windows of every store were fogged from the AC inside, including our own. Apparently that was our first taste of summer, and I'm not sure I liked it. We did manage to get in for lunch at this tiny coffee/ sandwich shop. We've been walking by it for days now, but there is always a 2hr wait, with a line wrapped out of the shop, down the stairs, and into the street. But on this fateful Friday, I passed by at 11:30, and seeing as the shop doesn't open til 12pm, there were only 6 people in line. So, I hopped in line, and whatsapped Drew to come join me at 12pm. Success! It was very much worth the wait. They are known for Belgium waffles with ice cream. Not comparable to Russels though; these were pretty dense, more like a cake, while Russels is lighter and crispier. Also had a real latte, first good one we've found here.

We also got our official Hong Kong ID cards on Friday. Officially official.

On Sat, thank god, the humidity broke after an epic thunderstorm, and it actually reminded me of Denver weather in the fall. Cool and crisp. We took a ferry from Central to Discovery Bay, a secluded expat community with no cars and a private beach. Unlike the public beaches here, at Discovery Bay, they can play beach volleyball all summer long. Score. The ferry ride was fantastic. Only takes about 20 min., with great views of the city. We also got to play Frogger with a ton of freighters. I think the dock workers are currently on strike, because there were probably 50 freighters just bobbing about in the water just outside the harbor, waiting to be unloaded. To solve this problem, they would bring up 2 barges, one with a crane and one empty one, and would load 20 or so containers on to the barge and tug it in. Image if you were the crane operator? One false move, and you've just dropped an entire container full of who knows what to the bottom of the South China Sea.

Discovery Bay itself was nice. Shek'o beach had nicer sand and more natural beauty, but a beach is a beach. Saw dragon boat racers, sail boaters, and sand castle builders. Fun way to spend an afternoon, despite the fact that Drew and I weren't exactly on our game.

Sat night, we went out to dinner with Pavel and his coworker Andrew 2. We went to this super nice restaurant on the Kowloon side, so we had an incredible view of the Hong Kong side lit up at night. This Andrew character is Sri Laken, but grew up in Aussie, so has an Aussie accent, lived in Paris for 3 years and now is here. Super cool guy. But, he is probably 5'4'', and I was wearing heels, so walking next to him made me feel like the Green Giant.

After dinner, we went to this historical site right next door that used to be Admiralty headquarters. It looked like a Cuban mansion, and was stunning all lit up. They have two Lord of the Ring Gondor esque trees that have to be protected by city law, so the trees are built up on these crazy pedestals surrounding by the mansion. Hard to describe, but very beautiful.

Sunday morning, we did what any MI fan would do; we found the UofM HK alum group who were all at a bar watching the final four game. The game was being streamed through a slingbox, which is like the setup we have with Brian and Karen, but it was a bit jumpy, so at a few key moments it would freeze, and people would scream, and it would jump ahead etc. Great fun. Drew will be in a delirious fog for the rest of the day. He keeps murmuring "can you believe it? I can't believe it...." sometimes to me, sometimes to no one. :)

This afternoon, we are going out the play more beach volleyball at the same park we went to last week. Then hopefully, we'll be meeting up with another newly moved couple, also from Denver, whom we found through old Wash Park vball friends. Small world.

What a lovely weekend. I still haven't received any takers for the Kirchner B&B. Come on people!

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