Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trig's Birthday!

(Sorry, this was supposed to be posted last thurs.) Today our darling dog is astoundingly a year old. No more puppy chow for him. As a celebration, he got to eat half a bone, then get a bath. The bath he didn't like so much, but he's got to look good on his birthday! Actually, he just smelled bad after his week in the kennel while we were in KL. Don't tell him, but I might buy him a new toy as well. We are down to the kong, his orange rope which is decreasing in thread count daily, and a frisbee with no middle. Pretty sad. 

Puppy Trig
Adult Trig

A few more funny things I forgot about the KL trip. First, when we were staying with Brian at the Shangri-la Hotel, they had a really nice evening appetizers and cocktail hour that we would go to every evening. Well, one night they had a spread of cheeses, so of course I took one of each. At the table, I bite into one that looked like a small Laughing Cow wheel of something. Turns out it was a mound of butter. Now, who puts a plate full of butter mounds next to soft white cheeses? I mean come on. 

One day, I also spent a few hours at the KL bird park, which is supposed to be the largest open concept aviary in the world. It's basically a giant park with a mesh ceiling, so you get to stroll around with birds in the trees above you etc. 

Saw about five male peacocks strutting about, which must be a sure sign of spring fever. The females, however, seemed very indifferent. Honey badger don't care....

Also saw several owls that looked exactly like characters from The Guardians. I mean, not just the fact that they were owls, but the personalities lined up.

Now we know where the chickies go...
This guy is making the funniest face.

 Also saw lots of macaws, including these two blue and gold ones. I am changing my mind; instead of the cute Ghineau pigs, Drew and I are now represented by these two.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, those little chicks are so cute!!! I love fuzzy babies :)
