Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Chinese Shield Method

Sometimes, it can be very difficult to cross a street; most are incredibly busy and the cars do not yield to pedestrians. Drew has discovered that way too closely. Anyways, in order to cross the streets safely, I have developed a new method called the Chinese shield. I wait until there is a Chinese person also trying to cross, and when they go, I follow right next to them, just downstream of traffic. There are two reasons why this works. First, if the oncoming car doesn't stop, they will hit the other person first, hopefully shielding some part of the blow. But, most importantly, I figure the car will be much more willing to stop for a Chinese person than for an foreigner.  It's a terrible method, I know, but, so far, I haven't been hit!

Tonight, Drew had to work late, and I didn't feel like eating leftovers for the second night in a row, so I went down to Tai Hang, the neighborhood with lots of eateries and car mechanic shops within walking distance of our place. I find a quiet pho shop, inspired by my Skype session with Steph this morning, for dinner. Inside, there were about 5 people and no one was talking, but instead watching what looked like a very low budget Chinese soap opera. Apparently it was a very important episode! 

The pho was delicious, but don't be fooled by the pretty red drink. Back in Singapore, I ordered a drink that now I realize was preserved lime with honey. I'm not sure why the Chinese like "preserved," aka rotting things so much, and needles to say, that drink was terrible. Well, tonight I ordered red plum soda, hoping it would be something similar to Arizona plum tea with some bubbles. Nope. Another preserved fruit with honey, again terrible. I'm going to need a big glass of milk to wash this taste out. Or, perhaps, I'll stop by the liquid nitrogen ice cream shop on my way home!

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