Saturday, June 1, 2013

Girls Night In

While in KL, Brian brought me like 10 bags of Ghiradelli chocolate chips from the states, as requested. When he gives them to me, he asks what am I going to do with them? Bake some cookies? Ha! He obviously hasn't  spent enough time with me in my natural habitat to know I eat chocolate chips on their own, as a chocolate dessert fix. Well, I thought about it later, and realized he had a point. Anyone who wants to eat 10 bags of chocolate chips straight up probably should be sent to the funny farm. So, tonight Drew is going to see a rugby game with a bunch of guys from his work. I, on the other hand, stayed in and made chocolate chip cookies from a favorite family recipe using said chips. I think I had the better evening of the two. However, I stole a move from Karen's repertoire and saved Drew a small bowl of cookie dough. Not that I plan to eat all the cookies before I get back, but the dough is the best part. Yes, Dad, I realize  the risk of catching salmonella is probably higher with a Chinese chicken egg. 

A few other funny moments from the past couple of days. Below is a picture of a mini bus, which we ride daily, with a pineapple on the dashboard. Can you think of a quicker, better way to ripen a pineapple?

Also, a while ago, I watched a construction crew take down bamboo scaffolding from a building's face. They were all perched about 10ft apart on the scaffolding. The top worker would unstrap a pole, then pass it vertically down to the next worker and so on, until one worker at the bottom dropped onto a truck bed. What if the worker on top drops one? It would look like plinko. Anyways, it was fascinating to watch. 

Finally. We've had three days in a row of beautiful sunshine, a record for us since we've been here. To celebrate, Drew and I went to the pool and sub-sequentially fried ourselves. Apparently, the normally cloudy weather here made us forget our sunshine etiquette.  
Last finally, Drew showed me a SNL skit the other day (see link) which was quite hysterical. Trig does this move daily, which accurately captures the theme of the skit. "And kick, and stretch, and kick. I'm 50."

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