Friday, May 3, 2013

The sniff and scoot

Every time I take Trig out to go pee, I make him sit while waiting for the elevator,and then sit again when he is in the elevator. However, in the elevator there are alot of smells, as all the other dogs must also ride in the same elevator. So, Trig wants to smell every square inch of the elevator. But alas! He must remain seated! What to do!?! So, Trig has developed the sniff and scoot. He sits down, smells all around his immediate area, then scoots his little butt across the floor to the next unsmelled area and repeats, thereby always remaining seated! By the time our 50 floor trip is over, he's covered the whole area. Very clever.

Our pool also opened recently. It's a bit too chilly outside to use it yet, but it will be great this summer, plus it's really beautiful. Do these pics increase anyone's motivation for coming to visit the Kirchner Hong Kong B&B?

Last night we went out with a guy from Drew's work and his fiancé, both very nice people who have lived here about 7 months so they know their way around. We went to a whiskey bar first called Angel's Share, (guess whose idea that was...) Then we went to a Chinese restaurant and tried our first Peking duck. Delicious! They slice it up with the crispy skin left on the outside. Then you made like a duck taco with plum sauce, cucumber, and leeks. The only weird thing about this place is every time someone opened the restaurant door, it created a suction cup effect that made your ears plug. It was very weird. I actually don't think I'd go back just because of that.

Today we will be going to Stanley with Luke and Jill (the Chi couple) and will hopefully meet up with Heidi and Rob (Drew's coworker and his wife) for dinner. Trig gets to come too!