Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's a Girl!

If you think that title is about Drew and I, sorry to disappoint. Drew and I have been expressly forbidden to have a kid while over here by several people. Instead, it's Princess Kate who is having a girl! Little Elizabeth Diana Carole, maybe one day to be Queen Elizabeth III. How exciting! I guess this shows another one of my geeky hobbies, following the life of Princess Kate. She's a real life princess! How can you not love her?

Anyways, we had a great time at Stanley yesterday. Trig found a girlfriend named Hazel, a dog that looked almost exactly like him, except for a few more face wrinkles. As soon as they met, they began to play like puppies, just as good as with Jackson. Don't get jealous Jackson, Trig still thinks you're number one.

Today Drew and I went shopping at Ikea. Side tables, area rugs, lamps, art...hopefully the apartment will feel a bit more homey, and less furniture with concrete walls ish.
Also today, we went to a food shop called "Danish bakery" which actually sold sliders on delicious buns. It will likely be Drew's new favorite lunch spot. It tasted way better than the pic looks.

More exciting news is our upcoming travel schedule. May is Kuala Lumpur, where we get to see Drew's dad. June is Seoul, where we get to visit Drew's coworker Mike and his wife Tina. We are very excited to have locals show us all of the hidden city gems. July is BALI!!! We will be staying 3 nights here and 2 nights here The itinerary will hopefully include 3 days of surf lessons, visiting a chocolate factory (awesome!!!) and visiting a local Balinese village, rice paddies and all. Now Jackson, you can be jealous :)

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