Friday, May 17, 2013

Heading to Kuala Lumpur

Drew and I are heading to Kuala Lumpur for a week long trip. Drew will be there primarily for work; he will be attending a conference Mon-Thurs, including many business dinners. I am tagging along for fun. The amazing coincidence of the whole trip is that Drew's dad will also be in Kuala Lumpur at the exact same time, but for a different conference. What are the odds!?! Go actuary.. go.... It will be great that Brian is there, as we haven't seen any family since moving here back in March. Plus, he and I can keep each other company while Drew attends his business dinners. Needless to say, I will be spending most of my days sightseeing alone, but I plan to do a lot of group tours and girly stuff. Like having high tea at a local historical hotel. Maybe go see a matinee musical.

While we are gone, Trig is spending his days at a kennel in the New Territories. A week was simply too long for any friend to watch him, plus, the fresh air, grass, and socialization will be good for him. Although, I think it will take a few days for him to warm up to things. The kennel is sending me daily pics via email, and this was one of today's pic. Looks like they are trying to introduce Trig to a lovely little smiling corgi. Trig has this look of "Where are my people!?! Do I have to play with this super happy dog for the rest of my life?" He'll get used to it.

In the meantime, Drew and I are hanging out at the Cathay Pacific business lounge. It's super nice with free lattes, tim tams, pork buns, pretty much everything you could ever want. And, of course, Drew is taking full advantage. He will eat his way through more perks than he will get from flight upgrades. 

Some background on Kuala Lumpur. It is the capital of Malaysia, located on the same peninsula with Thailand to the north and Singapore to the south. It has 1.6 million people, so it will feel deserted compared to Hong Kong! The main religion is Islam, with 62% of the population. Will try to blog consistently while there! 

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