Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rubber ducky, you're the one!

You make bath time so much fun! 

As many of you have seen on Facebook etc., there is a 6 story tall rubber ducky currently floating in the Hong Kong harbor. Apparently it's been traveling the world, spreading peace and harmony. We can see it from our apartment; see if you can find it in the pic, sorry for the fuzziness. 

We got our visas! So, Drew and I will be heading to Shenzhen this Sunday to go clothes shopping. A post on that is sure to follow. Also, tonight is the dinner party with the Sri Laken mom cooking us dinner. A post of that will also follow. 

Our Ikea purchases arrived yesterday, and I spent 3 hours maybe putting everything together. Drew and I are trying to be artistic, hence the colored picture frames in the cubbies in the table. We need advice from you artist people out there. Karen? Leah? Does this work? Trig also liked the carpet, as he immediately started rolling around on it the moment I laid it down. I think he just really likes soft things. 

Also, yesterday, Drew and I had lunch at a Japanese sushi place where plates of sushi are conveyed throughout the restaurant on a belt. Every dish has a different colored edge, and that is how you know the price of the sushi. This place is bad news for Drew; self control is lacking when the food is paraded right in front of you. There is also a hot water tap and green tea powder right at your booth, so you have endless access to matcha green tea. Pretty cool! My favorite was a roll with soft shell crab and avocado. Drew liked the grilled eel. 

It's finally a nice sunny day today, so one of my to dos is to lay out by the pool. Finally, check out this sweet car we saw in the grocery store parking lot yesterday. Looks like world war 2 era huh? Anyone know what it is? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it’s Daniel Heffron. That car is a Morgan! It's a very tiny British car company...they're known for making the cars by hand (there's a normally a few year wait list because of that), and also for making the bodies of the cars out of wood. That one there is a +4, based on this article:
