Sunday, May 12, 2013

She's a Brick duh duh duh duh House

Last night we were supposed to go to dinner at a Mexican restaurant called Brickhouse. We've heard from several people that it has the best Mexican food in town, so of course we wanted to try it. This place is literally down an ally with no  advertising whatsoever. When we got there, there was a sign outside saying "sorry, full house, no waiting list." It really must be good! So, unfortunately no luck this time, but we still found another respectable Mexican place to satisfy our craving.  

Second unfortunately, our trip to Shenzhen was postponed because the guy we were supposed to go with couldn't make it. So, hopefully in a few weeks we will make the trip. It's only an hour and a half away by train, so definitely doable in one day.

I think trig has finally finished shedding his winter undercoat, because the fuzz bunnies are diminishing in size and quantity. I've learned that swiffering is the best method of fuzz bunny control. "I have such bunnies!" to quote my mother :)

A few more cultural tidbits.

1. Scooter delivery guys. If you don't feel like going out for dinner, you can call a delivery service, and they will place your order at the restaurant for you, then will pick it up and deliver it to you on little motor scooters with carrying boxes attached to the back. You can even get McDonald's delivered, and they even have their own delivery guys! At first we thought this was really weird. But, when you think about it, fast food places like McDonald's and KFC don't have drive throughs here like they do in the US. 

2. White is worn at funerals. Therefore, a Chinese bride actually wears a red dress, the same color an Indian bride would wear. Interesting! Red is considered a very lucky color in China, as well as gold. If the person who died, however, was older than 80, some pink can be worn, as living that long is considered a noteworthy achievement that deserves celebration, not mourning. I think that is a good way to look at it! 

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