Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Trig the Terror

Trig has decided to be a shithead this morning. First, he peed in his kennel overnight. I suppose we still need to be monitoring his water intake after 7pm. I was hoping he was maturing into a responsible adult and would figure that out on his own. He is 10 months old now after all. Second, he's discovered the numerous benefits of jumping up with his front paws on the kitchen counter. Drew had breakfast this morning of yogurt and muesli. He then left his bowl on the kitchen counter. While I was luxuriously sleeping in, Trig decided to jump up to lick the yogurt bowl. You can see where this is going. In the process, he knocked the bowl off the counter and it shattered on the floor. Now, some might be asking, whose fault is this really? Was it Trig's trying to go after a few more licks? Was it Drew's for leaving a dirty dish in paws reach? (Never mind washing it himself) Or was it mine for leaving Trig unsupervised in the early morning hours? The truth is, it was all three of us, but I'm going to blame Trig. Luckily, the dish (which was part of a set included in our rental furniture) is Ikea, and as we all know now there is an Ikea in HK, so I will be visiting again this afternoon to find a replacement. The annoying part is, after I cleaned up the shards, then went in the bedroom to change, I came back to find Trig standing over a bunch of bananas. He is really liking this counter thing, apparently. It's a whole new world up there! Operation teach Trig to don't jump up on the counter has officially commenced. Below is a pic of him looking guilty.

On a brighter side, Drew and I went out to dinner last night with an old coworker named Pavel who has lived in HK for a few years. He is our inside scoop to this place. Last night he took us to Mongkok in Kowloon, the street shopping Mecca of HK. There is a women's market full of clothes (this time it's Karen's turn to get excited), a shoe market with dozens of shoe shops, and many others. The pics are from the women's market. The unbelievable thing is that they pack everything up every night and stash it away somewhere. Those are not small tent things. Do they wheel all this stuff home, or just put it in an alley? The markets also had some sporting gear. Those are ping pong paddles, no I'm sorry, table tennis bats for $100 to $250. Yikes. We also went to a giant shopping mall with a store that would make personalized bobble heads. How creepy would that be?

We also went to dinner at this delicious Taiwanese place. They had this noodles in a spicy peanut sauce dish that was fantastic. They also had bubble tea! I had green apple, and Drew had blueberry.

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