Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saying Goodbye

Today's the day, the sun is shinning, the tank is clean.... Drew and I are officially leaving this morning at 9am for our big adventure. Said goodbye to the parents last night and Leah and Stu this morning. Stu made us all a really nice goodbye steak dinner, which was delicious as Stu is a chef, not just a cook. Saying goodbye is definitely the hardest part so far. When will I see you again? Make sure to Skype early and often! Please come visit... Tear.

Quick summary of our life the last few weeks. We got our house rented out to a really nice family. As they wanted to move in March 1st and we wanted them for tenants, we have been living in an extended stay hotel for the past 2 weeks. Needless to say, not happy to leave Denver, but very happy to leave that hotel. Trig agrees I think.

Drew has become a used car salesmen and managed to sell both of our cars a week apart. Bring on the sleeze..... Jk. Drew was channeling his Dad who is the best salesmen I've ever met. He could sell you your shoes that you are already wearing.

Finalized Trig's travel plans. He will be coming two days after us on a United flight. Leah will be dropping him off, and a pet importation company will get him through customs and deliver him to our apartment. Hopefully he will make it in one piece and won't be too traumatized or covered in poo. Thanks to Banfield Pet Hospital for helping us get all of this paperwork together.

I finalized with my work that I will be able to work remotely for them. It will be a half time position, which is perfect from a flexibility standpoint. I can work 40hrs one week, then zero the next as I accompany Drew to whatever office he's visiting that month. Sweet! I will be working on a network linear program for them, right up my ally.

When we arrive, we will be heading straight to our apartment. Hopefully, it will be full of rental furniture which we will use until our sea shipment arrives at the end of March. We will still have a few pieces of furniture to buy; Chinese Ikea here we come!

My goal is to blog every day we are not traveling. Hold me too it! I don't think I've ever written this much in my life and actually enjoy it. Must be channeling my inner Leah. Love do.

Love you all, and already missing you.

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