Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sofa Spectacular and MI Basketball

On Sat afternoon, it was raining all day, so we traded in our beach volleyball shoes for sofa shopping shoes. Took a double decker bus out there that was completely empty except for us for the first 10 min of the journey. 28 floors of outlet madness. I'm surprised we didn't kill each other, so this must be a testament to how our relationship is progressing. All of the floors in a mall are organized by content here, so you get a whole floor dedicated to shoes, a while floor for clothes etc. I still don't understand why they group them like that. Yes it's easy for the consumer, but how does that help the stores to see how their competition is doing? Apparently I missed that day in Econ 101. Is it called the car lot phenomenon?

We found several nice couches that would work for us, but they were all super expensive. As in hk$24,000 to hk$38,000, or $3,000ish to over $5,000. Maybe we just weren't prepared to spend that much money. Anyways, at the end of our 4 hour shopping day, we walked away with a lot of info but no couch. We then found a similar one on Craigslist for only hk$10,000, or $1,500. Drew channeled his inner salesman, and talked them into the sofa, tv stand, dehumidifier, and maybe a massage recliner for hk$10,000. Not too shabby! Our sea shipment arrives this Wed. yahoo! And this Craigslist stuff is getting delivered on the 14th. It's all coming together. It also means that by the end of April we will be ready for visitors! Kirchner b&b will be open!

After shopping, we went out to dinner at a really fantastic Thai place. I got a curry hot pot, which was really curry held in a stone duck bowl covered with a croissant and baked. Delicious.

So the Waldo, or chicken head from the previous lunch picture deserves some explanation. When you order a whole chicken like that, the customers want to know they are being served one whole chicken, not the scraps from several. So, they give you the head to prove it was one whole chicken. People don't actually eat it.

Oh yeah, MI basketball! Yahoo!

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