Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Trig Arrived!

My freakout was for naught. Trig arrived last night at 11pm safe and sound. Upon seeing us he immediately peed, which, for those of you who know him, is par for the course when his bladder is full. I noticed they didn't feed him the whole trip, so he was starving, but it also meant there weren't any pootastrophes in his kennel either. Just some very pee soaked towels. He did look a bit disheveled. Drew and I think his body went into immediate spring shedding mode the moment he got off the plane; I've never seen him shed this much before. He didn't sleep well at all last night. Not sure if that's because he was tired of being in his crate or if he was jet lagged too and didn't want to sleep. Either way, not many people in the Kirchner residence woke up rested this morning. We did take him for a long walk this morning, and discovered two things.

1. There is a cement dog park (like 15x15ft) only 5min away from the house. Not sure how often it is used, but we can at least let him off leash to sniff around and do his biz.
2. After about 20 min worth of walking up some very steep hills, we got to a neighborhood that's very quiet. As in you can walk down the middle of the road no problem quiet. So that was super nice, as we can take Trig up there without worrying about traffic and crowds.

Trig aside, I got to do some exploring yesterday, which I have a few photos from. Found the neighborhood Catholic Church, which surprisingly was just as nice as the main cathedral downtown. I also walked past the legendary Happy Valley Racetrack which has horse races every wed. and sun. nights. Drew and I will hopefully go check it out soon. The track is grass with Causeway Bay in the background. Finally, I went past a wet market, and one of the stalls was serving seafood, along with fried frog, hence the bucket of frogs in front of the store. Not sure what they do with the turtles... Also today is very foggy; compare this photo with yesterday's view.

Love you all

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