Friday, March 22, 2013

Inspiration: dogs and mold. Mold and dogs. Moldy dogs. Doggy molds?

Wasn't sure what I was going to write about today; the morning seemed very uneventful. But then, inspiration strikes at the weirdest times.

Took Trig for a walk this morning, in a neighborhood next to ours. It actually was full of gated homes, not apartment complexes, so that was unique. Made it seem almost, almost, like the US, except all the homes were gated and had guard stations. Maybe like Cali? Anyways, there were tons of dogs out and about with their Filipino walkers. Imagine something like this (see pic). The funny thing is, I'm sure the helpers are supposed to be "walking the dog" but they really just meet their friends walking their dogs and stand in a big group talking with 10 dogs. And all of the dogs stare at you when you walk by. Feels like a turf war. Poor Trig wouldn't stand a chance.... Saw a legit Chow Chow, who was walking very slowly, probably due to the humidity clashing with his extraordinary amount of fur. Made me miss zoezoe.

I then went to the grocery store to get some laundry detergent, softener, and black pepper for SOMEONE who thought my first attempt at Asian cooking was bland. It was bad; I agree. Anyways, found the wall of Spam and spam substitutes. And I thought Marmite was bad. Could you imagine an Asian version? What's in that exactly?

Finally, I attempted to do laundry, which you might have guessed from my shopping trip, but was immediately thwarted. (Good vocab, eh Leah?) it was a front end loader that apparently hadn't been used for awhile, because when I opened the door, the unmistakeable smell of mold arose. You know how front loaders have that rubber jam with numerous folds that's supposed to keep the door watertight and catch items that weren't supposed to be washed? Imagine all of those folds full of jet black, thick mold. More like gunk. Hold out your hands, vomit into them, then toss it away.... I used an entire roll of paper towels (Chinese paper towels suck by the way. None of American Bounty, use and reuse stuff) just to clean it up. And I ran a mock load just in case. And I put the dehumidifier in the laundry room, it's permanent residence from now on. Bleh.

Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Please tell me you wore a dust mask?! Can't have you breathing in mold particles...

    I was missing Zoey yesterday, too. :(
