Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The first freakout

Last night, Leah was kind enough to drop Trig off at the Denver airport. He was supposed to fly to San Fran and then on to Hong Kong arriving today at 8pm. When I woke up this morning to check his freight tracking number, the most recent post said "From San Fran, To San Fran, H=Freight held off the flight.



Then commenced the tears. We should have never dragged Trig into this. Now he's stuck in San Fran for all of eternity. We are the worst parents in the world. Why didn't we follow Ethel from Downton Abbey's lead and give him up to a loving Aunt and Uncle so he could have a better home and play with his dark furred cousin all day. Tear.

Drew being the level-headed one of us two skyped his dad who then called United who then informed us that Trig did in fact get on the flight. The cause of the trouble was that the flight had been delayed by an hour, so they held Trig off until it was time to go. Whew. At least that's what United said. I suppose we really won't know for sure until he gets off the plane.

Yesterday, we did manage to get our Hong Kong ID cards which only took 20min. Compare that to your local DMV. I think the speediness was mostly due to the fact that they had over 60 booths with workers to process everything. Seems excessive, but my measly 20 min wait means I probably won't be approaching the HK government to give them a lesson on efficient use of resources anytime soon.

We also managed to get cell phones. Drew and I can text each other, but apparently they make you pay for any texts to people outside of your network. I can just hear all of the teeny boppers screaming. NO TEXTING??? Apparently in HK they use an app called Whatsup to essentially text and its free. Never heard of it.

The pretty view from our apartment helped calm me down this morning, as well as this song. Search on YouTube for "without you noteworthy". Pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. AAAAAHHHHHHH I would have just broken down if I had had that scare. Good job keeping it together, Drewberry! Sooo glad Wittle Twig made it safely.

    I have a confession...I forgot the big icecubes on the counter when I left that morning. The United people were like,"It's fine. We have ice cubes." And they brought out the cheap, small ones that you'd get from a grocery store. They put them in the dish...and Trig immediately started EATING them. All of them. I was like....NONONO...that's your only water for several hours!!! You can't just eat it! He didn't listen, though.

    Whew. Glad to get that off my chest. Hopefully he didn't arrive too dehydrated. :( Poor Little Trig!! We know how he likes his water...
