Monday, March 25, 2013

Leah's getting cranky

And she's right, I haven't blogged in a few days. On sat, Drew and I first took the Mtr out to sheung wan, about three stops west of us to check out a volleyball meetup that occurs there every sat morning. My idea was just to see if they were any good so we know whether to come back next week or not. In the end, they sucked, so drew and I will have to keep looking. Does this make us vball snobs? Hopefully we can find some more advanced people to play with soon, bc I know we are both anxious to get back into it.

We then had lunch at a dim sum place. It's amazing how difficult it is to get a glass of ice water. The ice part is a difficult thing. They actually charge more for cold drinks than hot ones.

After that, I went back to the apartment to get out wireless Internet installed. It didn't take the guy very long, but we later noticed that unless you were in the room with the modem or just outside the open door, the signal sucked. Brainy Dad asked whether the walls were drywall or concrete. Uhhh.... "Tap on it." Owww, definitely concrete. At least now we know why our signal sucks outside of the room. It was a good thing that the Internet was installed when it was though, bc I had already managed to blow through 4 MBs of data out of 6 in the span of 5 days...oops. Apparently tethering your devices is a major data drain.

While I was doing Internet stuff, Drew took a bus out to Stanley, which is on the south side of the island, for a dragon boat practice. The team consists of Cigna coworkers, or I'd have done it too. Dragon boat racing is basically team canoeing with 18 people. It's not dragging a boat behind you... :) I later took the same bus to Stanley to meet up with drew and a few team members for drinks. The drive into Stanley is beautiful, as you pass by several gorgeous bays where you can swim. We'll have to do that this summer. Attached are a few pictures from Stanley itself. Felt very western with restaurants and bars lining the waterway. Will get a pic of the dragon boat at their first race in June.


  1. Well someone's got to keep you honest. Can't have your blog turn into a fail like mine. :)

  2. It's not "Dragon" a boat behind you....I get it!
