Monday, March 18, 2013

First morning

Drew and I got to Hong Kong at 8pm HK time on Mon. night. The trip went fine; no surprises.

For our first morning, we got up and showered, which was interesting bc each bathroom has its own small water heater that you turn on before showering. The bathroom also doesn't have a fan, which is funny considering the mold problem they have here from so much humidity. However, science question of the day. All of the mirrors fogged up, of course, except a 3x3 ft section in the middle of the main mirror. How is that possible? Any takers?

We then went grocery shopping, which was also a fun experience. We have to climb about 100 steps in order to get to our local grocery store, a very western place with milk, ice cream, and jiffy pb. I think I'll be ok here. Luckily it's down hill to get back to our apartment, arms full of groceries. Bought a dragon fruit just to try it; the pic of outside and inside are below. Surprisingly mild fruit and easy to peel.

Our relocation manager noticed a bulb was out and made an appointment with the complex fix-it guy. I was hoping he would just have the right bulb, so I wouldn't have to go buy it. However, he showed up, pulled out the bulb, and said I need to buy a new one. Thanks... Then he said to call him once I had the new bulb and he would put it in for me. Ha! I think I can handle it.

Finally, I will post a video of our place soon. All of the furniture is rented, as ours should be arriving in our sea crate in two weeks.

We don't have Internet in our place yet, but hopefully that will be remedied in a week. In the meantime, our clubhouse has Internet. Rest of today will be getting cell phones and HK ID cards.

Love to all

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