Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Trig's Staycation

While Drew and I are in the US for the next two weeks, Trig will be staying at a kennel in the New Territories called Pet World. It's the same kennel he stayed at a few trips ago; the one where they send us photos of him everyday to assure us he's still alive. He's getting a nice big room with a grass run, he gets play time with other dogs every day, and he gets a private walk every day. He should be very pleased with his accommodations there.

We had to pay extra because it's a peak season (Xmas, Easter, and Summer are all peak seasons) but don't worry, we got 5% back off of our total bill because the stay is over 14 days.

Also, his room included a "roast chicken dinner." I emailed the kennel and told them we don't feed Trig any human food and would prefer that he is not fed roast chicken, but instead the dry dog food we provide for him. Could you imagine if he got to eat that for two weeks straight? He'd be so spoiled when he came home. Dry dog food wouldn't be enough for him anymore. Anyways, they said they'd give him wet dog food instead. That still might do the trick.

I do think Trig knows something is up. He's been impressively mopey lately. Every time he sees a piece of luggage comes out he goes and lies disheartened on his bed.

Drew and I have been trying to learn how to whistle using our fingers, as it is louder and easier to call Trig with. Drew got it pretty fast using two fingers on each hand. I am trying the pinky method, as my mom has shrilly called us back to the house for years using that technique. Still struggling though. I guess I'll need lessons from the master when I go back home. :)

Regardless, Drew and I will undoubtably miss our pupper dupper during our two week stint. It's amazing how attached you can become to these pets of yours. Almost like having a child. Except you can lock them up in a cage for a few hours while you're away.

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