Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"I'm Coming Home"

"Country roads, take me home to the place I belong!!!!...."

I think it's finally sinking in today that Drew and I will be heading home. Drew mentioned that we should start packing, and I was like "huh, I suppose we should..." About half of our luggage will be clothes etc., the other half will be presents and extra space to fill with stuff we plan to bring back. Below is my shopping list of things we need to get while back home.

1. Bed sheets. Linens are very expensive in Hong Kong. Not only that, the mattresses here are smaller than a Western mattress. So even if we coughed up the cash, they wouldn't fit our mattress.
2. Rawhide bones. You can't find a bulk package of large bones here. You can find small ones individually wrapped, but Trig says that's not enough.
3. Dog toy. Dog anything is very expensive here. Trig has pretty much destroyed all of his toys, even ones that were supposed to be "indestructible." Drew's mom found one that her dog Will hasn't killed yet, so it must be good.
4. Shoes. Both Drew and I have large feet. He is a 12-12.5, while I am a 9.5-10. Neither of us can find shoes in the stores here that fit. DSW here we come.

5. Cosmetics. Mascara, concealer, etc is all very expensive.
6. Lemon juice. A big bottle from Costco. Haven't found it at all here. And no, i"m too lazy to just squeeze fresh lemons every time I want lemon juice.
7. Coffee. We are already almost through the supply Drew's dad brought us in May. It's too expensive here! (no, I haven't eaten all 10 bags of chocolate that he brought too).
8. Zone bars. These are Drew's favorite protein bars. Surprisingly, you can find them in one store here, but they are crazy expensive.

I'm sure I'll think of more on the plane. All 15 hours of it.

Next are the things I am looking forward to most while in the states. Seeing family and friends are, of course, number one, but I'm talking about the small things you can't find here.

1. Cloudless blue Colorado skies. I took this photo several years ago outside our front door in Fort Collins.

2. No humidity (although I think this will also be a Denver and not MI thing)

3. Being able to go for a run without hills.
4. Parks with dogs.
5. Grass
6. Bacon
7. An American breakfast in general. Coney Islands here I come. Doesn't that look good?

8. Desserts that are sweet. No red bean paste or sesame for me.
9. Moosetracks ice cream

10. Listening to the radio. There are no Western radio stations out here.
11. Mexican food. Chips and salsa especially.
12. I fit into size Med. clothes instead of Large or XL.
13. Playing Settlers of Catan. Still looking for fellow players out here.
14. Temperatures below 80 degrees. Even if only during the nighttime.

See you soon America!

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