Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Junk Boating

Our friends AJ and Rakhee are visiting us from Aug 29-Sept. 2. AJ was actually Drew's first roommate when Drew first moved to Denver. Did I ever tell you that story?

Drew was still living in CT, but he had made up his mind to move out to Denver, because he'd "always wanted to live in CO," not because the love of his life was out there. Anyways, Drew was trying to locate roommates from Craigslist. He would find a listing he thought promising online and send them to me. I would call them up and visit the places myself to see if they would be suitable for Drew. In hindsight, I'm lucky I didn't get stuck in a bad situation. I looked at a college house with like 8 people; that wasn't going to work. I looked at an old guy's basement which smelled like cat pee. That was a no go. Finally, I found AJ. He was just back from the gym, so I knew he and Drew would have sports in common. The sink was filled with dirty dishes, but considering I was going to be around some, I knew I would wash them. A perfect fit.

Anyways, AJ and Rakhee are a fun-loving, adventurous couple, so Drew and I have decided to throw a junk boat party trip while they are here. It's something we've wanted to do all summer, and this was the perfect excuse. Don't be fooled by the "junk" in junk boat. The original junk boats were used by the Chinese during the Han Dynasty in 206BC to 220 AD. Some original looking boats still go around the harbor, but they are fairly rare.

Nowadays, you just book a normal small yacht that can hold 30 people. We just booked our boat! It costs about $6500HKD split between 26 people is around $250 HKD or about $32 Usd. Not too shabby. 

The next step is to find a caterer. Nobody wants to be stuck on a boat for 8 hours with 26 people and a can of Pringles.  That should be about $175 HDK/person, or $20 usd. 

After that, we show up with our own drinks and have a blast. They will take us to a few beaches where we can get out and go swimming, we can lay out, hang out etc. 

Drew and I even came up with a risk sharing scheme in case we can't find enough people to fill the boat.  We roped 4 other friends to splitting in the cost in case it all goes south. 3 out of the 6 people are actuaries, so the scheme was expected. The only other bad thing that could happen would be if a Typhoon Level 3 shows up while we are out on the water. In that scenario, we end the trip, and we get no refund. Ouch. But, if the warning is up ahead of time, we can reschedule. If it's just raining, too bad, suck it up. 

 Hopefully it will be a fun time. Will fill you in on the details when it actually happens on Sept. 1. In the meantime, my workout goal is going really well....

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