Friday, August 9, 2013


Tonight I surprised Drew and took him to see the World Grand Prix FIVB tournament at the Hong Kong Coliseum. Basically it was the women's national volleyball teams from Argentina, Turkey, the Czech Republic, and China duking it out. It was really fun to watch. They were impressively tall and very good. China dominated the night. They had everything: killer defense, amazing setting, and a slide hitting scheme that was smoking the Czechs. But it was still fun to watch.

We had really great seats, on one of the ends right in the middle. Made it very easy to see all of the plays as they unfolded. And to see how high the blockers got over the net. It's not fair. Their hands are taller than the net standing on the ground. Plus they can jump, unlike myself. 

A couple quirky things abut the games, one of them being the sweat moppers. They would come out after every play, cleaning up any sweat that got on the floor after a player dived. What an exhausting job, worse than being a tennis ball runner-downer I think. 

Look at the form! Turkey beat Argentina by the way. Drew was like "I don't know which team to root for. Both countries have such good food...." 0.o

Another funny thing about the game were these deliberate cheering sections. Not sure if they were adolescent volleyball leagues or what, but each corner of the stadium had a section that was packed with young girls in matching outfits and pompoms. 2 of the 4 sections would root for one team, the other 2 would root for the opposing team. Even though all of the girls were Chinese; they clearly had no ties to Argentina, or whatever, but they pretended really well, and it make the atmosphere much more exciting. They had cheers and signs and giant Chinese drums they would beat on. Very funny. 

Overall, it was a very fun evening. Good to see some high quality volleyball again. Although I have a sneaking suspicion this has awaken the volleyball addicted beast inside of my husband, and he will be trying to get back on the court somehow sooner rather than later. Since we are leaving for the US tomorrow morning, this will be my last post until we get there. Catch you on the flip side!

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