Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to Reality

Drew and I made it back to Hong Kong on Sunday night safe and sound and were quickly reunited with a stinky Trig the following day. I actually think I was more excited to see him than he was to see me.

Being home was incredible and hard at the same time. It was great to spend so much time with everyone. Skype convos do a lot to alleviate homesickness, but there is something un-replicateable about the joy from face-to-face interaction. However, it also made me realize how much Drew and I are missing while we are over here. Do we regret our decision to come to Hong Kong? No. Do we still wish we could have our cake and eat it to? Yes.

The trip was filled with lots of fun. We flew from Hong Kong to Chicago to Detroit, then spent a week in MI seeing both Drew's family and my Mom's extended family. This included several family BBQs, a trip to Frankenmuth, a trip to the Greenfield Village, and a Costco shopping trip where we nearly bought the entire store then were surprised when it wouldn't fit in our suitcases back home. 

Don't forget an amazing wedding in Traverse City, a fun night on the lake in Irons MI, and lots of home cooked food. Also, (I'm sure this will surprise no one) my goal of losing 10 pounds has been adjusted to losing 15. :)

The second week, Drew went to Philly to work, and I went to CO to work and see family. It was weird being in an office again, I must say. What? I have to wear professional clothes? What? I can't just let my hair air dry? (I did anyways, because it dries straight in CO!) But it was actually really great to see my coworkers face to face.

We also went to the Rocky Mountain Wild Animal Animal Sanctuary, where large carnivores are kept when idiots who try to keep these animals as pets can no longer handle them. Some situations were really sad. For instance, some of the lions had been declawed in an attempt to "domesticate" them, and they end up limping for life. It also makes them more aggressive because their paws are constantly aggregated. Go figure.

I also ate my weight in Mexican food, including a few rounds of margaritas at The Rio, a family favorite in Fort Collins.

Went to a park in the foothills to remember Colorado's nature. Went on a bike ride to Big City Burrito
to remember the active lifestyle as well as the CSU staple.

Now that we are back in Hong Kong, jet-lag has set in. Mostly we just can't sleep soundly through the night. I got up at 4:00am two nights ago, then 5:30am last night. Hopefully tonight the pattern will continue til 7am...

But, the hardest part of it all is not knowing when we will be going back to the US. We get one free trip home a year, so essentially we have to wait an entire year before we get to go back. Unless, something big like a wedding comes up. But, the not knowing is weird. Of course, lots of family will be visiting us out here in the meantime, such as Drew's parents this Christmas. But it's still weird. 

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