Saturday, August 3, 2013

50 Shades of Grey

As many of you know, Drew and I will be coming back to the states in one week! Yay! The main reason for coming back in August is that Ben Anderson, one of Drew's best friends who stood up in our wedding is getting married in Traverse City. Drew is in this wedding as well, so we decided to make the trip. As you can see, they have been friends for a long time. The guy with the Fu Manchu to the right of Drew is Ben. This was for Mo-vember a few years ago.

All of the groomsmen for this wedding are wearing sharkskin grey suits, found at your local Macy's. Drew, on the other hand, is getting very spoiled by getting stuff tailored made in Shenzhen for cheap prices, so he decided to order his suit from the tailor instead of buying it from Macy's. He also placed an order for another groomsmen, Joe Anderson. Joe and Ben are not related, they just happen to be best friends with the same last name. Anyways, Joe is a broad guy, so suits off the rack don't exactly fit his stature. The guy on the left is Joe.

In fact, Drew had worked out a deal with his tailor for suit prices. Drew sent the tailor Joe's measurements, and for some reason, the tailor quoted Drew a price a third higher than what he was used to paying. Drew goes back to the tailor, asking what the deal was. The tailor's answer was, "He big guy! Need more material!"

Anyways, Drew ordered the suits two weeks ago, then went to Shenzhen last weekend to pick them up. He brings them home and compares the color of his suits to the color of the Macy's picture that everyone else was buying. Not the same. Drew's suits were much darker. Oops. Apparently the tailor used the wrong color material. This was what they got.

Drew called the groom, who asked the bride if this slip-up was ok, and, of course, it wasn't. Not surprisingly. What bride wants two groomsmen in her photos that don't match the rest of the men? I wouldn't have been ok with it. The pic below is what they should have looked like.

Luckily, Drew had to go back to Shenzhen on Monday for work, so he stopped by the tailor's on his way home and ordered two more suits, this time of a lighter shade. The ironic thing is, there is like a 10% chance these new suits will actually match the Macy's ones. Ask most females, and they can tell you that dyes come out differently lot to lot. Even if Drew ordered the same Macy's suits at a later time, it is unlikely they'd all look the same.

In the end, I guess we'll have to see how close is close enough. Drew's wardrobe is expanding nicely, and Joe, who is also getting married in Sept., will be getting an extra suit from us as a wedding present.

1 comment:

  1. Woah, Woah...wait. You didn't go to Nita Fashions!? They would have NEVER made that mistake ;)
