Friday, February 21, 2014

G & K: Day 9

Grandma and Kelli's Hong Kong Adventure: Day 9- Stanley

On Monday we had a relaxing morning, then Mo, Grandma, and I drove to Stanley. It's on the opposite side of the island compared to the main city so we drove there. We parked in a lot that was connected to (surprise!) another mall. This mall did have a puppy parking lot though which is pretty adorable.

Stanley had a much more relaxed atmosphere about it. No hustle and bustle like we were getting accustomed to. Lots of restaurants on the road that overlooked the water and very few cars. We went to a pizza place as a nice little break from all the new foods that we were eating. Afterwards we walked around the city for a while to shop at the shops and stalls they have set up. It definitely wasn't as big or as busy as Mong Kok, but there were lots of things to look at. After we walked back to our car to drive back to the apartment.

Grandma and I met Drew for dinner but Mo had to do some work. We went to a place called The Dining Room that also served dumplings. Their tea was really good too - it had like a peanut flavor.

We tried some different dumplings this time, like this one that had an interesting lace-like part that connected the dumplings together. It looked pretty and was tasty!

We also had a spicy breaded chicken. Even though there wasn't a sauce it had a good kick to it. Drew kept putting the peppers on Grandma's plate and insisting she put them back using her chop sticks or else she had to eat it. She did a good job getting them back into the basket! I think she's better with chop sticks than she gives herself credit for.

We headed back to the apartment, played some cards, and called it a night.

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