Monday, February 10, 2014

Chinese New Years Fireworks

Fireworks in Mandarin is yanhua or smoke flower. Drew and I watched this 5 million dollar 25 min long show from his office building, which had a perfect view, and wasn't crowded like many other locations were. The fireworks were actually shot off from barges in the center of the harbor, and they didn't really get higher than the buildings themselves. But, it was by far the best show we've ever seen. Not only did they have lots of variety, but they also had fireworks that made shapes, like hearts, the number 8 which is their luckiest number, horseshoes as it is now the Year of the Horse, and I swear a flower and a Chinese character. But I might have made those last two up in my mind. The show was so long that Drew and I jumped the gun on the Rand McNally about 5 times. "This must be it...." "No, THIS must be it...." Nope. Nope... (Apologies in advance if the movie links below don't work.)

Luckily, firecrackers (not the big fireworks) are outlawed in Hong Kong, so this big show was all the fire we got to see. Apparently in mainland China, people are lighting fireworks every which way, with no concern for what's around them. Sounds seriously unsafe, and many people end up going deaf because a firecracker is released too close to them. They are very loud and fill the air with smoke. Not for me, but I bet it would keep you on your toes.

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