Tuesday, February 11, 2014

G&K: Day 6

Grandma and Kelli's Hong Kong Adventures: Day 6- Mong Kok and LKF

It was Friday morning at this point. We met Drew for lunch again at a Japanese place this time. They give you this cabbage salad with your meal that is just so light and fluffy that you put a dressing on. The jar looks like a big honeypot and I have no idea what it was, but it was tasty! We also got some panko crusted fried chicken, shrimp, and ham. I forgot to take a picture but it was really good. Drew put us in a cab after lunch and we went to the library. Grandma and I found some books about Hong Kong and Macau and spent a couple hours reading.

After Mo finished working she met us at the library and walked us to the subway station. We were headed to Mong Kok to do some shopping but it is located on the Kowloon side and the subway was the easiest, and cheapest, way to get there. The subway was clean and pleasant, and though somewhat crowded not nearly as bad as I would have thought. When we got to our location and came above ground we were greeted with a fairly big crowd and plenty of people passing out fliers. After walking over a couple streets we came to the shopping stalls.

It was literally stall after stall of everything you could imagine. Fans, jade figurines, fake purses, clothes, etc. It was very crowded with people from all over the world shopping and haggling. Thankfully Mo did the haggling for grandma and I. Seriously I think if I had to haggle I would end up paying the vendor more than their asking price. We came away with some awesome souvenirs and presents for people, though since I'm the most indecisive person on earth I didn't get all my shopping done.

We took a cab back to the Star Ferry to meet Drew for dinner at a hotel in Lan Kwai Fong (LKF), a small section in Hong Kong. They had a Groupon for dinner which had several courses and was really good. Plus it was Happy Hour so hooray for martinis!

 Mo had a salmon with I think some kind of seaweed foam on it? It looked cool!

Dessert was a chocolate cake/mousse thing with a black sesame ice cream and a white chocolate stick on it. It certainly looked fancy since they put edible gold decorations on it.

After dinner Mo took me to see the rest of LKF, which has tons of bars and nightlife. We grabbed a beer and sat outside watching people for a while when her friend Frank and his girlfriend met up with us. They took us to another place to grab long islands (mistake #1) and then to an outside park-like area that was filled with people and had a DJ. After we finished our long islands our glasses were refilled with red wine (mistake #2). We talked for a long time and then they asked if we wanted to go with them to another bar/dance club, which is about where my drinks caught up to me. We danced and had more drinks (mistake #3!) but when Mo lost her shoe under the bar we knew it was time to go home. Unfortunately for me I spent the rest of the night, uh, under the weather. Let's just leave it at that. At least it was lots of fun!

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