Tuesday, February 11, 2014

G&K: Day 7&8

Grandma and Kelli's Hong Kong Adventure: Day 7 & 8- Dinner Party and Cheung Chau

Saturday was a pretty uneventful day. I was feeling a little ill so I pretty much spent most of it immobile on the couch. Drew took grandma to the hospital to get her stitches checked out and they prescribed her some oral antibiotics to prevent any infection. Eventually I put myself together enough to shower and help make dinner. Two of Drew's friends came over for dinner so Grandma made lemon chicken with rice and a peach cobbler. I have seriously never seen people eat so much food. It was delicious! After they left I think we played some cards and called it a night.

Sunday I was filled with renewed energy! We decided to go to Cheung Chau, which is an island 10 km off of Hong Kong that takes a 30 minute ferry ride to get there. Trig came with us too!

Cheung Chau was a lot more rural than Hong Kong. That's not to say there wasn't plenty of tourists and people walking around though! We walked through stalls selling more clothes, dried foods, and other things but stopped to pick up a snack. It was a fried potato on a stick that we put seasoning on. Really tasty.

Then we walked along the various streets looking at the various shops. We also picked up another snack which was a kind of pancake thing with lettuce and some kind of seafood that I can't really remember. Also good!

Mo and I left Grandma and Drew to play cards while we explored the rest of the island. There were lots of trails to walk. We saw lots of temples and walked the 'mini Great Wall' as well. Since the actual Great Wall is a fairly long way from Hong Kong it was a good alternative. Trig enjoyed the walk and I really enjoyed the sights!

After tiring ourselves out we met Grandma and Drew for dinner to get some seafood by the water. We had crab, clams, and shrimp that was just so fresh and good. It was beautiful to see all the fishing boats with the sunset too.

After that we called it a night and took the ferry back to Hong Kong.

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