Friday, February 21, 2014

G&K: Day 10

Grandma and Kelli's Hong Kong Adventure: Day 10- Tea Wood Cafe and the Science Museum

Grandma and I met Drew for lunch again - I think Mo had to meet with her language partner. We went to a place called Tea Wood which is a Taiwanese cafe. I ordered a spicy beef noodle stew which was definitely up there in my favorite lunches. It's kind of hard to eat stew with chop sticks. You have to use the big spoon to ladle up the broth and noodles then use the chop sticks to get the noodles. It was a bit messy, but so worth it. Grandma got sweet and sour pork that was served on a pineapple. The tables were unique too since they looked like shadowboxes with decorations inside the table. The silverware was also neat because the spoons were shaped like shovels and the forks like pitchforks. 

We couldn't resist getting one of their sweeter dishes as well. It was a pile of toast just dripping in butter and brushed with something to make it look gold. It came with mango ice cream and mango balls as well. So good.

Drew and I also got some milk tea. Mine was on the right and taro flavored. We had taro before in the filling of one of the dessert dumplings from Din Tai Fung. It was sweet and tasty.

After lunch Drew walked us to our couches where we waited for Mo in the mall that is connected to his office building. I got a rose flavored latte. It looked pretty so I couldn't resist taking a picture!

We took Grandma back to the apartment so she could have some time to rest from all the walking. Mo and I decided to go to the Hong Kong History Museum. We took the subway over only to discover that the museum was closed on Tuesdays. Oops! Fortunately the science museum was right next door that was open. They had a dinosaur exhibit going on that was pretty neat. The first part had animatronic dinosaurs and lots of facts. A particularly amusing part had a T-Rex that was controlled by your movements in front of it. We jumped around and ran back and forth while the dinosaur moved and roared. Walking through the museum a bit later we discovered that it was actually controlled by children who could see the people in front of the dinosaur on a video screen. We felt pretty silly after that! 

The latter part of the museum had lots of dinosaur bones. It's just amazing how big these creatures were. They also had lots of dinosaurs that were discovered in China so their names were different than typical dinosaur names that we're used to here.

Afterwards we traveled over to the area where we were meeting Drew and Grandma for dinner. We were early so we went to a sports bar to watch some of the Australian Open and grab a beer. Amusingly enough the sports bars are in the same part of town as the red light district. The bar we were at was called the Dog House and the girls were all dressed in short plaid skirts similar to the Tilted Kilt (though no, I haven't been there). But most importantly the bar was almost empty and the tennis was on!

We had to leave partway through the match to go meet Grandma and Drew at dinner. We went to a place called American Restaurant. Naturally, they did not serve American food there. We got Peking duck, tofu, and fried rice. The duck was a full duck that they sliced up for us. You put it in a pancake (which was more like a tortilla) with plum sauce and scallions. Then you rolled it up and ate it like a taco. It was really good!

After we went to another bar to watch the ending of the tennis match at another bar before going back to the apartment.

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