Tuesday, February 11, 2014

G&K: Day 5

Grandma and Kelli's Hong Kong Adventure: Day 5- Victoria Peak and Madam Tussaud's

Grandma and I journeyed out to Drew's office on the mini bus all on our own. Miraculously we didn't get lost (probably because it's the last stop on the route and they make you get off there). We went to a place called Wired Cafe on the top of another mall. The food was decent, but it had a nice view. After we went to a french bakery stand for some fresh croissants. I had black cherry and grandma got tiramisu. They were just delicious and a perfect snack with a cup of coffee. Mo met us to help finish off the croissants and then we went back to the apartment to get the car. Though driving is impractical for most of Hong Kong, it was much easier to reach the peak by driving. We got to see some stunning views of the city as well as the bay on another section of the island.

Mo and I went to another section of The Peak which was called Sky Terrace 428. It offered an even better view and included an audio tour that told you the history of various parts of Hong Kong. Well worth the trip! Underneath the Sky Terrace was (shocker!) another shopping mall. It also had a Madame Tussaud's wax museum! It was pretty amusing because there were a lot of famous Chinese people that we didn't know, but also plenty of familiar faces. I don't even want to count how many pictures we took there!

After that we watched the sun set on the other side of the island and headed back to the apartment. We'd already had a busy day so we decided to stay in and watch Mulan! Mo made us a noodle dish for dinner which was delicious and peanut buttery. After watching part of Memoirs of a Geisha we called it a night and headed to bed.

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