Sunday, June 9, 2013

Friends! I'll be there for you...

This weekend the lovely Tina and her dashing husband Mike Lin are in town house hunting. Mike is a coworker of Drew's, going back even to his CT days. They are relocating from Seoul, South Korea to Hong Kong, hopefully in August. More friends to hang out with! This is the same couple that is graciously showing us around Seoul next week when Drew visits for work; I will tag along for fun. 

The four of us went to dinner last night at a Spanish tapas place. The food was great, but even better was a guy serenading tables on a guitar, playing 90s hits including A Whole New World from Aladdin. :)

After dinner, we went to this awesome dessert chain called Hui Lau Shan. They specialize in mango desserts, and it was wonderful. We tried a platter with nine different mango variations. Fantastico.

Needless to say, we are very excited that Mike and Tina will be joining us in Hong Kong :)

The next friend part of the night was the arrival of Jake Morrisroe, Drew's longtime friend from high school. Jake is wrapping up a multi week, multi country tour that included Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, Florence, and Singapore. He is our first visitor, and we can't wait to show him all the cool things about Hong Kong. This picture shows just how far back Drew and Jake go; he's known Drew way longer than I have. Jake is the guy in the black shirt with dark hair. He is not the demon looking fellow located to Jake's left. 

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