Tuesday, June 4, 2013

This is the Song That Never Ends

Yes it goes on and on my friends....some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...

So, just outside of our MTR stop is a giant Forever 21 store. Literally (and I mean literally, not exaggerating here) EVERY time we walk past that store it is playing the EXACT same song. To be specific, it's the song daydreaming by lupe fiasco. It's almost as annoying as me using CAPS to emphasis how I feel. I really hope, for the poor store workers' sake, that they are only playing that song outside the store and not inside of it. For I would go insane within the first 10 minutes of working there. Ironic that the same song is being played forever at a Forever 21. Ha! 

We have booked our flights back to the US. We will be in MI from 8/11-8/18, where we will be spending lots of time with both Drew's fam and my extended fam, as well as going to Jill Hemming and Ben Anderson's wedding in Traverse City! Yay weddings! Drew will then head to Philly to work from 8/18-8/24 while I go to Denver. It's very exciting to have this trip to look forward to. The only bad thing is, and this is going to sound super snobbish, but we will have to fly economy both ways. Once you fly business and you know what it's like up there for a 15 hour international flight, economy seems like a nightmare. But then again, things could always be worse. My friend Heidi is flying back with her 3-year old and 5-year old in July. Could you imagine trying to keep kids quiet and occupied for 15 hours straight? A melt-down is guaranteed at least once during that span of time. My first instinct when we were talking about it was, "why don't you give them some zzz quil or something and knock them out for a few hours?" :) Don't judge me. Ok, yes, judge me, it's quite terrible, but you were thinking it to. It could always be worse. 

After our five beautiful days of sunshine, it has since gotten very cloudy and humid. So much so that if you are wearing glasses indoors that is cool from ac, the moment you step outside they fog up completely, forcing you to stop and wait for the glasses to warm up before continuing. Ahh, science. 

Last but not least, I am waiting outside of Drews work so we can go to lunch. There is a pole there that reflects the street behind me and makes all of the cars look like little clown mobiles. It's quite hysterical. 

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