Friday, June 7, 2013

Hiking the Peak

Last Thurs, Drew had a long night of work calls ahead of him, so I decided to get out of the house to hang out with my friend Jill and her friend Anne. We decided to hike to the Peak, which is the highest point on the island with commanding views of the city below. Lots of people go to the Peak just for fun; you can ride an old tram up it, then there are lots of restaurants and even a mall of sorts at the top, this is Hong Kong after all, along with the circular path to see the views. 

The weird mall/restaurant area at the end of the tram.

I brought Trig along for the exercise. To get to the starting point, I had to take a cab with Trig. It was actually must easier than it sounds. The first cab turned me down, but not the second. Trig sat on the floor right by my feet with his head in my lap the entire ride. You could see he was thinking "I trust you mom, but this cab driver is a bit jerky and I wish I knew where we were going." :) 

The first half of the hike was straight up. Seeing as I try to walk Trig everyday, and there are lots of hills in our neighborhood, cardiovascularly we did fine. My calves were certainly feeling it though. The top half was much milder, with great spying opportunities of all the rich people's houses that live up on the Peak. 

The best part was obviously the views from the top. We started the hike at 6:30, got to see the sunset while we were hiking, and then by the time we got to the top, it was dark and we had some great views of the night skyline. If you are ever visiting us here, chances are I will take you up here. 

Last but not least, the other day I went grocery shopping and they were handing these out at the register for free. After reading the description, now I know why they were free. Ham and corn oatmeal? Bleh. 

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