Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Sister Trip, Week 3.2

First, I just realized that a whole slew of pictures from the trip were imported with the wrong date, and I just discovered them today. So, I'd highly recommend rereading all of the posts from the Sister Trip, as I just beefed them up with additional pics. We all know everyone just wants to see the pics anyways :)

The trip to the Philippines was mainly to go scuba diving and have some beach time. But, in between scuba days, we went on a river climbing trip with an adventure tour group. It was a fantastic experience and worth every penny! Most people hike by themselves to a waterfall with a nice pool for swimming. We couldn't believe how blue the water was in this river! We went hiking right on past this idyllic spot, but it got way better. We spent the next 2.5 hours hiking, wading, swimming, and climbing our way up this river. The water temperature was perfect for a nice cool down, and it was stunningly clear. We had lots of fun scrambling up these mini-waterfalls, putting our muscles to the test! 

Safety first! 

Swimming in a deeper stretch of water. 

Sure footed as a mountain goat! 

This river canyon was so beautiful. Lots of high rock walls that the guide's nephew clambered over like a lizard. 

Time to climb up a mini-fall! Look at those shoulder muscles Stephie! 

And Kane makes it look easy. 

Cliff jumping! 

Can't get over how blue the water was! 

Perhaps our second night at the house, our cook make a banquet for us, her daughter, and her daughter's friends. Needless to say, she made a feast! It was WAY more food than we could eat. The feast included sautéed veggies, satay skewers, squid cooked in its ink, fried rice, and so much more! Kane absolutely loved the squid. They were whole, not cut up like calamari normally is. Kane asked for the recipe, and after looking at it, he noticed there was a "flavor sauce" which turned out to be MSG in a bottle. No wonder it tasted so good! But squid definitely remained a favorite dish throughout the trip, and we ate it was often as we could!

No evening was complete without a trip to the bar to watch the sunset. Never gets old! 


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