Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Sister Trip Week 2.1

The second week Kane arrived on Saturday night. We decided to show them what the infamous LKF experience was like, and Kane was such a trooper going to bars and dancing like a fiend despite the jet lag. We started the night at our beloved Brickhouse and ended it at an amazing live cover band bar in Wan Chai. I would definitely go back to this bar again! It was like singing along with karaoke, except the person with the mic was really good!

On Sunday, I thought it would be fun to go to Cheung Chau, the nice island about a 30 minute ferry ride from us, with lots of local shops and great seafood. I didn't anticipate us being so incapacitated from the night before, so the ferry ride was a bit rocky. But we made it in one piece and ended up having a lovely day on the island, with a great seafood lunch at the end. Sichuan spiced crab anyone?

That night we meet up with Tiffany to see E.T. on a bar's veranda. It was a beautiful night, and, surprisingly it was the first time I ever watched E.T. As a kid I always thought he was too scary.

Monday we did the Bruce Lee celebration. We watched "The Way of the Dragon" in the morning, when went out to the Heritage Museum in the afternoon, where they have an exhibit about Bruce Lee, showing his journals, his workout equipment, wardrobe, and all sorts of collectable action figures. We also visited a massive temple in Sha Tin, honoring an ancient warrior known for his strength and military leadership. Biggest statue in a temple I have ever seen!

Stuart arrived that evening, so we made sure to get some dim sum to celebrate his arrival.

Tuesday we walked around Causeway Bay, checking out all of the wet markets, interesting dried food shops, and local eateries. It's funny because all of this stuff has now become normal to me. I loved seeing everyone's reactions as they noticed the weirdness that sometimes occurs here. I could never get tired of being a tour guide for that reason alone. Tuesday night we had about 20 people over for a potluck dinner party. It was really nice. We rented our building's large entertaining space, which worked perfectly for the party. We spent the afternoon cooking away some delectable dishes, then had fun with friends meeting family.

We of course, went out for dan dan noodles at our favorite Sichuan restaurant!

Kane found this little gem. We laughed for a while at that one.

This is a reflexology pathway you walk on to massage your feet. It hurts way more than Leah is letting on.

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