Sunday, October 12, 2014

Myanmar-Day 5: Inle Lake to Bagan

The next morning, I was getting over my own small stomach bug, so we took it easy. This was actually the first trip in all of our travels so far that either of us had gotten sick, which I think is pretty impressive given our fondness for street food. But it was weird, as we both had identical symptoms, but about 36 hours apart from each other. Anyways, that afternoon, we went for a nice walk outside of Nyuang Shwe into a smaller village further up the hillside. Each family seemed to have their own garden with corn or pumpkins etc. The weather was, once again, gorgeous, and we had some nice views of the surrounding hills. 

See the two little piglets running around? Once they caught sight of us, they high-tailed it back under their owner's house into the cool shade and protection.

A giant tree we saw while on the walk.

After our walk, we took a taxi back to Heho Airport. These were some cow herders we saw along the way.

From Heho Airport we took another domestic flight from there to Bagan, with one layover in Mandalay Bay. When we arrived at our hotel in Bagan, the first thing we see outside of the reception was a giant scorpion! Neither of us had actually seen one in real life. Other than the scorpions, this hotel was actually the best of the whole trip, and here's why. The first hotel was more of a hostel, so we didn't have a private bathroom. Not nice when you are dealing with stomach bugs. The room was also right next to the check-in counter, so we could hear them talking and answering phones at all hours of the night. Also the breakfast consisted of cold eggs. COLD. eggs. The second hotel in Nyuang Shwe was actually very beautiful, but it didn't have air-conditioning. Major negative. Also, the town was having that festival, so the music and loudspeakers were blaring all night long. Literally all night. But, it had a private bathroom, so it was an improvement. Finally, by the last place, we had our own bathroom, air-con, and a quiet atmosphere. Finally. I didn't even care that our room actually had two twin beds that we had to push together to form a lopsided king with a gap in the middle. Didn't mind one bit.

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