Tuesday, April 1, 2014

G & K: Day 12 & 13

Day 12 & 13 - Kirchner stuffing and Korean BBQ

Thursday after the horse races was a pretty laid back day. We had Mo's language partner over for an American style breakfast that included omelets, bacon, pancakes, orange juice, and coffee. Lisa was really nice and tried all the food. She admitted to Mo later that the bacon was too salty for her. Man I love bacon though. We also played a game that she brought with her while her and Mo practiced their language skills.

During the afternoon Drew wanted to learn how to make the famous Kirchner stuffing from Grandma. It's best not to say what does into the stuffing, but I promise that it is delicious. We had to get a chicken with its head attached and they cut its head off. Weird. But delicious!

Friday was sushi day! I had been looking forward to getting sushi. It was a pretty neat restaurant because you could order from the menu and there was a conveyer belt with sushi going around. Each of the plates had a different color that corresponds to a price on it so when you were done eating the waitresses could just add up the total.

After lunch we made another trip out to Stanley so I could finally get the gifts for people that I hadn't yet. I finally managed to figure out what to get for everyone and bought a painting for myself! I really love it, it's hanging up in my bedroom now.

Dinner on Friday was possibly my favorite of the entire trip. We went to a Korean BBQ place that was down an alley and I never would have guessed was there. The table had a grill in the center that was covered by a grate. We ordered marinated meat that we then cooked ourselves over the grill in the center. In addition to our potstickers appetizer we ordered, they give you 8 sides that included kimchi, lotus root, potatoes, and other delicious cold dishes. We also ordered two different traditional alcohols, one of which tasted like vodka but you drank straight called Soju (not a fan) and another milky looking one called makgeolli (I think) that was sweet and actually pretty tasty.

Seriously it was amazing. The meat was flavored so well and since you can cook it when you want you're always getting it when it's fresh. They changed the grate on our grill halfway through since they are very concerned about the negative effects of the char. If I could go back to Hong Kong for one day I would have dumplings for lunch and Korean BBQ for dinner. Or maybe I should actually go to South Korea. That would be neat!

After dinner we went to a bar on the top of a building with a wonderful view of the city. We just relaxed, had some drinks, and ate a lot of bar peanuts. Plus Mo got to act like the Mother of Dragons with the neat lamp on the table.

After that we headed back to the apartment to get some sleep before our big trip to Macau!

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