Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Borneo Sunsets

In addition to seafood, one thing that Borneo did really well was sunsets. Every evening, we were treated with a glorious view of the sun sizzling into the South China Sea. 

Sunset Day 1: By the Fish Market

The second night we saw the sunset from our hotel. It was amazing the crowd that materialized to see it. It was the main attraction of the evening! Everyone actually clapped after the sun finished setting. To the left of the picture is the Sunset Bar, which we went to the last night of our stay. 

Drew suggested we take the picture below. My response was, "Wow! Someone is getting artsy!" His response was "No, I just copied the Asian couple next to us...." :)

It is a fact that Asian couples have picture posing down to a science. It really should be considered a cultural pastime. It is a bit sad though, because half of the time they don't really enjoy what they are taking a picture of. For instance, the shot below shows three different Asian ladies trying to get the perfect sunset shot. They spent so much time trying to get the shot, the ladies didn't actually get to see the sunset. Plus, the couple on the right had a little boy who just wanted to play and interact with his parents, but they just ignored him to take the pictures. To each their own, I suppose, but if my child wants to play with me, I will always put the camera down. And I don't understand what they are going to do with all of these pictures. One or two maybe, but these people were taking hundreds, literally. 

Sunset Day 3, from the hotel while we also watched the Asian lady models.

Sunset Day 4, from the Sunset Bar. The sunset was officially at 6:20. We had to get to this bar by 4:45pm to get a spot on one of the couches that directly faces the water and the view. For the first hour, it was so hot we could barely stand it, but after a cocktail or two, and after the sun began to drop, it was heaven.

I bet that guy had the best view of all!

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