Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Margaret River Valley and Busselton Jetty

On the third day of the Perth trip, we went to the Margaret River Valley, an area of definite beauty known for proximity to both beaches and wineries. So, we, of course, went to both! Below was the first beach on the list. It was a bit windy, hence the choppy waves, so it was too chilly to swim. But still beautiful nonetheless. 

Before our first winery, Drew pulled a Drew and had us stop at a local jerky and sausage shop. This was where we found the coat of arms sausage, a mix of kangaroo and emu. And it was delicious! There was also this gorgeous lemon tree in the front yard of the shop. There was actually a sign on the tree saying "Please don't pick my lemons..." Ha! Aren't they just begging to be picked? I mean, they are falling on the ground, for goodness sakes. 

The store also sold Crocodile Dundee-esque hats, which Courtney was nice enough to try on for me. 

Our first winery! In the beginning, Drew and I were able to pull out all sorts of charming descriptions for the taste and smell of the wines. Like we knew what we were talking about....

We realized this here first, but Australia is chock full of roses. We saw them in every town we went to, in prolific amounts, sizes, and colors. I've never seen roses look like they were so at home. Except in my mother's garden, of course! 

This winery had great beanbag sun chairs with a beautiful scene beyond. How could you not sit and drink it in? Drink? Get it? 

Drew on his Iron Throne. By this last winery, Drew and I could no longer discern the difference between any of the wines. That's when we knew to hang up the hat. 

 After the wineries, we went to the Busselton Jetty, the longest pier in the Southern Hemisphere at 1.8km. We also got there right at sunset, so got some good pics. There actually is a mini train that takes people to the end, but it wasn't running that late. So we walked the whole thing! It was a bit chilly, hence Drew and Courtney wearing towels.

 Finally, no blog series about our time in Perth could be complete without a shot of Charlie, the cute family dog of Courtney's. He was a shitzu/maltese mix, similar to a dog that Drew's family had several years ago. But, Charlie was about twice the size of old Cloey; he was on a diet in fact. :)

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