Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Buddhist Fair

Drew has become the unofficial leader of workout group consisting of Drew's coworkers and myself. We meet three times a week, and typically there is about 4-5 of us. Drew and myself are staples, then about 5 people come semi-consistantly. We have been doing this for about 4 weeks now, and we always work out on Saturday mornings. We have a slew of people agreeing to join Friday evening, but then they stay out too late, and the 9:30am meeting time comes a bit too early for some. Regardless, last Saturday, we had just finished our workout in the park, and, as we were leaving, we saw this Buddhist Fair. Unfortunately, that's all I can say about it, as all of the sign were in Chinese. So, I will instead make up stories about the pictures we have. 

I assume it was a Buddist fair because of the monks dressed in orange singing chants onstage. And the statue looks Buddha. But, I could have this wrong. Maybe they are Taoist or something. 

I know for sure these are statues of the Chinese Zodiac. We have the pig, dog, rooster, monkey etc. in this picture. 

Here is a close up of my dragon. He was surprisingly small compared to the others. Like hello big bunny. And I thought the dragon was supposed to be the favored animal? 

And here is a close up of the ox and Drew's rat. 

Next, we have a line of statues that I am going to pretend is the cycles of the Avatar. Here we have Avatar Roku, Avatar Ang, etc. 

Drew is the next Avatar, he just doesn't know it yet :) 

These statues are of famous assistances to the Avatar, friends and such. They are just as important, hence the equally large statues. 

This is a statue of the mother of the last Avatar, with the baby Avatar sitting on her lap. But seriously, what an elaborate statue huh? Whoever she was, she was important. Sorry, that's all I got as to the significance of all this. If anyone knows anything more, feel free to add! But it's cool that we can randomly come across something like this in Hong Kong. There is always something going on here!

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