Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bumper Swimming

Every day for the past two weeks, I have been meeting with my wonderful language exchange partner named Lisa. We practice for two hours; one hour is me helping with her very advanced English, and one hour is her helping me struggle with basic Mandarin. Anyways, we originally met at a Pacific Coffee Company, which is a Hong Kong coffee company almost identical to Starbucks. When the Chinese copy stuff, they do a good job at it!

Anyways, having to buy a latte every day was starting to get expensive for both of us, so we tried to find a free place to meet. There was a library near by, but it was a small one without any private meeting rooms, and the general area was kept strictly quiet, no ongoing conversation allowed. So that wasn't going to work.

In the end, we found a public swimming pool very near to Lisa's apartment that has stadium seating surrounding the pool. So, we go sit in the seats by the pool for two hours and nobody bothers us. The only problem with meeting in there is that there is no A/C, only fans, so the afternoons can get a little hot. 

Anyways, this pool is, by far, the most widely used pool I have ever seen. Whether our meetings are from 2-4 in the afternoon, or 9-11 in the morning, the pool is always packed with swimmers. And those times I listed are not popular, after work, peak work out times. This pool is just always packed. Take the photo below for instance. The first few lanes were being used by swimming lesson groups, so they were not as packed. But the open lanes at the end have 3-4 people per lane, just in the shot of this picture alone, not even down the whole length of the pool. I bet there were 20 people using each lane that morning. It's insane. People can't help but run into each other sometimes as they pass each other. Then, there is the lifeguard with an umbrella for shade. Except this pool is indoors. 0.o

Today, there were old ladies getting into the pool. Instead of wading in like most old people, they dove in, except the dive was more like a belly flop. Old lady ouch. I grimaced just watching them. 

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