Sunday, February 3, 2013

The trip and initial reaction

We made it safely to Hong Kong! The trip entailed a 2 hour flight to O'Hare in Chicago, a four hour layover, and then a fifteen hour flight to Hong Kong. We actually flew over the north pole! Luckily, Drew's company is very giving, and we got to fly Business class on the international flight. The best part is that the seat fully reclines, so it feels like you are sleeping on a couch. While Drew falls asleep instantaneously on all flights, I can never really sleep in the normal airplane seats, so being to lie down flat was a huge advantage. Thanks, Drew's work. We slept for the first 5 or 6 hours, then had to stay awake for the remainder of the flight, as we arrive in Hong Kong time a day ahead and at 8pm. The idea is in order to get on Hong Kong time, you have to be tired enough to fall asleep that first night (thanks for the tip Dad), which, luckily, we were able to. Overall, it was a surprisingly easy time. No major flight delays, didn't lose luggage, could communicate with taxi driver to get us to the right hotel, and was able to fall asleep the most crucial first night.

My first reaction when we drove into the city was: "Man, this place is big." It seems like everywhere you look there is a taller building, if that's possible. Lots of neon lights. And lots of commercialism. That made me balk a bit. I'm not a shopper, but everywhere I look, all there are are stores. Not the unique street markets, but stores you'd see in any other big city. What am I really going to do here? But, I think once we get off this main strip and into the more eclectic parts of town, the atmosphere will be a bit more cultural, and that's what I am really excited about.

The hotel is very nice. The picture posted is our room, with a cool glass walled shower that connects the bedroom with the bathroom. The first thing I wondered though; yeah this setup is ok for a couple, but what if you were staying here with a family? I doubt a teenage girl would be ok showering in front of her whole family. Weird. Maybe the setup is different for rooms with double beds.

The other picture is the view from our hotel room. Cloudy skies today, but it's supposed to clear up towards the end of the week.

Drew and I went and had "breakfast" before he went off to work for the morning. First of all, neither of us brought a map. Don't you have a map? I thought you had the map? And Drew says, let's just walk. WHAT?!? Yes, his work is only three blocks away, but the roads here are not straight, and I can manage to get lost quite easily. Somehow, we survive, but never again will I make that mistake. Time for breakfast.  Imagine a bowl of macaroni or ramen noodles in wonton soup broth, with a fried egg and "sausage" aka a hot dog. Literally. And a cup of tea with milk that was almost a chai, but a bit more bitter. The only thing about my meal that was breakfasty was the fried egg. But despite the non-breakfastyness of it, it still tasted good, which is really all that matters. Also, the cafe we went into was packed, so they sat multiple groups at the same table. Four people in a booth who don't know each other. Other than at hippy places, would Americans ever do that? Also saw 3 dogs on the walk. A Pekingese, a bull dog, and a Pomeranian. Yes, they were all small dogs, but Trig won't be alone!

Finally, I noticed that 1) I am the only blonde this side of the Pacific Ocean and 2) I am the only person wearing flip flops (I'm not sure if this is because it is "winter time" here, meaning it is 70 degrees instead of 85, or if it's actually inappropriate to wear open toed shoes).

While Drew is at work, I plan to go check out Victoria Park, the second largest park in the city. The goal is to see if it's dog friendly. Will meet up with Drew for lunch, then we will be apartment shopping all afternoon. Wish us luck on that front.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds so exciting!! The hotel room is beautiful... I wonder about the flip flops. They're the only shoes I wear when it's above 60. Can't wait to catch up when you get home from the scouting trip. Hope you find a great place!
